Tuesday, December 9, 2014

History of Southeast Asia's Rainforest

     Tropical Rainforest especially in Asia have been there for millions of years. Although, in southeast Asia, that rainforest has gone through frequent changes. In the last Ice Age many of the important species were affected, and the end result where small groups of the animals was a better form of adaptation. So, although Southeast Asia has many different species the essential ones, like orangoutangs are don't have a large population. This is a last ice age changed the dynamic of the forest many species where secluded and adopted on their own. This creates the huge diversity that is already in a tropical rainforest almost even more diverse.
     The Rainforest in southeast Asia have many fresh water rivers running by them. There were suppose to be a small number of predatory animals that will stay together or in the same area. The plants would be diverse as ever and there would not be many of the same plants in one area. What dominates mot of the forest is the tall canopy that compete for light. Most of the spots where the rainforest was located was densely pack many of the diverse animals would be at the center of the Rainforest. The southeast Asian rainforest for the most part was untouched, and the human contact that it did have was sustainable up until the 20th century did the forest start seeing a change for the worst.
    Human activity has was not greatly impacted until industrial companies got a hold of the lands as late as 1970 did real advantage of the land was happening. Most places in Asia are not high developed countries so the native people where not using most of the land for industrial use. Once the the 20th century came by most companies started turning towards Southeast Asia to cut trees down timber.

     "Understanding History of Southeast Asia's Island Rainforests Crucial to Understanding Impact of Human Deforestation." Texas Tech University, 07 July 2009. Web. 09 Dec. 2014.

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