Friday, December 12, 2014

Deforestation of Rainforest

     Deforestation is the greatest issue in Southeast Asia. Deforestation occurs with two big issues, the cutting down of trees for commercial use or a technique called slash and burn. Slash an burn occurs because, many people who live by while life need areas to crop. So they burn down all the trees in a "controlled" fire and use all the nutritions in that land to yield crops.
Deforestation of Indonesia Rainforest.
Source: Creative Commons: Rainforest Action Network, 2009
     In Indonesia deforestation is where it is at it's worst. Over the course of years the country has claimed that deforestation rate was 450,000 acres a year. Studies conducted by Nasa say otherwise; instead their numbers say about 1 million acres have been cut down yearly and has since doubled from 2011 to 2012 to two million acres ( 

If logging continues the expected area of the Indonesia rainforest will significantly be affected.

Rainforest are already incredibly small concentrated areas in our planet. They are extremely unique and carry a large population of all land animals. The destruction of Rainforest is something that is going to affect natural life on land. 


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